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Ever thought about this question: What is the difference between happiness or joy?


Happiness is man and world given and joy is God given. Happiness can fill your heart, but it leaves you empty. Happiness is given by materialistic things and pleasures of life. Happiness leaves you wanting for more. Happiness is covered by a façade.You know how it is? It’s like when during Easter time your kid wants you to buy him a chocolate bunny and after you buy it for him… what happens? He gets dissapointed when he bites into it because it is hollow and empty. That is what happiness is. It is empty and hollow like that chocolate Easter bunny.

Joy, on the other hand, never goes away. Joy is full. Joy is God given. It satisfies. Joy is filled by God, by the fruit of the Spirit, and  by walking in freedom from sinful desires and walking in authority. The Joy that God gives you can not be taken away, because you know that you are in Jesus’ hands. You know that He holds your world in His hands and that nothing can happen to you because you know that He guards you and that the God of Israel never sleeps nor slumbers. Joy can never be taken away. Joys fills you with a happiness that you can not explain. Except for Godly fear, there is no fear in Joy. 

Go ahead… choose for yourself: Joy? or Happiness?    

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