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Archive for the ‘sinner’ Category

Let us be honest. Life is good, right? Some of you will say yes and some of you will say no. Others might say, “Aahhh… i don’t know, maybe”. To those of you that said yes- good answer. To those of you that said no- good answer. And to those of you that said… I don’t know maybe- good answer. Whoa! Yes, whoa is right. All of those are good answers. Why? Life is not fair.

People have different perspectives of life. Each of us have had different experiences in life. Some have experienced a life filled with good fortunes (what some would call a “good” life) and the comforts that come with it, such as money, businesses, fame, power, and being born into a good family etc. Others have experienced  a life filled with misfortunes (what some would call a “bad” life). Misfortunes that many people don’t put attention to, like being born into a dysfunctional family filled with violence, drugs, promiscuity, poverty, etc. Still others are not sure because they have had a life filled with up, downs, and in-between (what some would call an “average” life).

Perspective matters then, yes? How you look at life and how you live it depends on how you have lived through it; but, that is from our perspective. From God’s perspective all of it changes. He sees the people that have had a “good” life as people that have everything in the world, but inside they have nothing but an empty, hollow, life. A life void of the things that really matter in life. He sees the people that have had a “bad” life as people that have nothing in the world, but inside are hurting, feeling dejected and destitute as the curve balls of life keep coming at them. A life void of love, joy, purpose, and reality. And the people that have an “average” life, He sees them no different than the other two. All of us, in reality, then, are the same in God’s eyes.

On top of all of that, all of us are void of the most important thing that really matters both to us and Him- fellowship with God. We are destitute of God’s presence. Destitute of His power. Destitute of His wisdom. Destitute of His blessings. And all of it because of our sins. Yes. We are all sinners. Have you ever lied? That’s a sin. Have you disobeyed someone in authority? That’s a sin. Have you ever become drunk? That’s a sin. How about this one? Have you never read the Word of God everyday and kept His word in your heart? That’s a sin. Have you never talked with God everyday? That’s a sin. Sadly, the punishment for our sins is death, the curse of living an empty life, and broken fellowship with God.

Do you like it? No, I guess not. The thing is… God doesn’t like it anymore that you do. He does not like to see any one live like that. It saddens His heart, because the most important thing to Him is His creation. You. He loves you and cares for you. He does not like that broken friendship He has with you. He wants every one to experience a life filled with purpose, love, reality, peace, joy, and most importantly, His presence. He wants to be your friend and because He wants to be your friend and does not want to see you suffer He gave you a very special gift. A gift that would allow you to have blessings, unbroken fellowship with God, His presence, joy, love, peace, purpose, His power, and many other wonderful things. This gift was His son- Jesus. Jesus paid it all by dying on the cross for all of us.

The question is… Do you want it? All you have to do is accept this gift that God gives you. Ask Him to come into your life, recognize that you are a sinner, that He died and rose from the dead for you, and make Him your friend. Do this and you will have a good life. A life filled with good things. Does it mean that trials will no longer come your way? No, but He will be there with you to uphold you, keep you, and guide you. He will be there by showing you that He cares and by providing for you. Do it… personally, I will tell you that it has been an awesome ride with God. He loves me and I know that He is always there waiting for me to have a conversation with Him. I know that He is there listening and being a help to live according to His Word. Words can not express what He has done for me and how I feel about Him and He about me.

If you do want this gift then say this simple prayer:

Jesus come into my life. I recognize that I am a sinner in need of you. I recognize that you died for me on a cross and rose from the dead. I want you to be my friend. I want to have that unbroken friendship with you. Make my life anew and use it for your glory. I want to live my life with You. I surrender my life to you. In Jesus name, Amen.

Friend, I believe that if you’ve just prayed that prayer then your life will never be the same. Congrats! 

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